Countdown To Christmas!


Take a deep breath~~okay take another one. We are now beginning the holiday season and life is going to get CRAZY! If your like me your Christmas calendar is packed. I’m already stressing about how I’m going to get everything done. I tend to be a procrastinator so my Christmas cards are not ready, Christmas presents haven’t been bought, and I haven’t even started decorating. You see why I could feel a little stressed.

Well, here’s where I need YOU. I’m sure many of you, like me, can get caught up with all the busyness of the Christmas season and if we’re not careful we can forget to focus on the real reason for the season.

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

I want to keep my focus on Jesus so I’m asking you to join me every Wednesday as we prepare our hearts for the true meaning of this Christmas season. I do better when I have accountability don’t you?

So let’s begin our season and read in the Bible about the birth of Jesus between now and next Wednesday. Its simple, but will help us focus on Jesus~~and  He is worthy of our attention. Jesus’ birth is found in Matthew and Luke of the gospels.

Will you join me? I know you’re busy but if you could leave a comment and say, “I’m in!” that would be great. Let’s make this our best Christmas ever by celebrating Jesus!

I haven’t forgotten that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I’m writing this with tears welling up in my eyes. Many of you know I lost my Mom in 2009 and this time of the year can be hard but my heart is full of thankfulness because of the sweet little guy~~~~~Colt Allen.

Oh my, I’m in looooove! He is a BLESSING!

Thanks for stopping by friends and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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  1. Hi Cyndi, I’m in…what a wonderful way to remember the real reason for the season. The birth of our Savior.
    Bless You !
    Brenda Cooper

  2. I’m in! The days from now until Christmas day go so quickly and I don’t want to miss one day of keeping my focus and heart on Jesus. Thanks so much for this opportunity!

  3. I’m with you Deidre, it’s hard to keep our focus on the true meaning of Christmas. There are so many fun things to do but I want to make sure I keep Christt first. Have a great week!

  4. I’m in Cyndi! Love your blog…. I have a question. A little while ago I was following another Christian blog (a lady that you and Traci went to the blog retreat with once) and she wrote about the 31 days of Spiritual Formation… I cannot remember her blog for the life of me! And don’t have it bookmarked! Can you direct me to it please? If you could email
    me that would be awesome. Thanks!!!

  5. Hi Cyndi- I’m in!! LOVE reading this story every year. One of my favorite reads (since my daughter read this some 30 plus years ago) is The Best Christmas Pagent Ever. I have given this little book to many of my friends that have grandchildren and have hard cover ones for my grandchildren. And thanks for the suggestions for beautiful outfits. I have a problem with dresssing for my age. Have a blessed Thanksgivings

  6. Sounds like a plan! I don’t want to realize at the end of Christmas Day that I neglected the reason for the season.


  7. Hi! I’m a new reader, came over from Beneath My Heart. You girls are precious. I’ve read your sister’s blog for a while now and I can tell that I’ll be touched and inspired by yours as well. Many blessings, Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I’m in!

    I also like to begin the season by watching the movie, “The Nativity Story”. It’s a great reminder of the real reason for the season.

    Wishing you and your readers a blessed Thanksgiving!

  9. I’m IN !!!! Too much worrying about this or that, when our hearts should be focused on the real “reason for the season” !!!
    I know what you mean about missing a parent. Today when I picked up a carrot cake that a friend made for me, I told her that I sure wish my Dad was here to enjoy that cake. It was his favorite. He passed away on Thanksgiving Day of 2003. I still miss him every day !

  10. I love this idea. I try so hard to keep our focus on what’s important during Christmas. It doesn’t always work, but that’s where my heart is.

  11. Hi, I am new to your blog. I came over from Beneath My Heart.

    I am so excited to be here and to look around. You are adorable! I love your taste. I am a very visual person, so seeing your fashion finds and the collections that you like is very helpful to me. What a blessing.

    I look forward to reading your blog for many years to come.

    Thanks again.

  12. Cyndi,
    I’m totally in!! Can’t seem to get enough of the Christmas story. How awesome is it that the whole world stops for just one day to celebrate the birth of our Saviour?!! I’m ready to stop for just a few moments a week and reflect on Him! Thanks for doing this. Can’t wait.