Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals

When our children were growing up, we had many conversations about their friends. Were they good influences? Bad influences?

We knew that who they were hanging around with when we weren’t around was going to have a huge impact on their decision making.

Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals

1 Corinthians 15:33 says, Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” 

The older I get, the more I realize that this applies to people of all ages. I’ve seen first hand what happens when adults associate with people who have no morals.

Before long, they mimic their behavior, their language and their habits.

I’ve been in ministry long enough to see marriages fall apart, godly people fall away from church, and families destroyed all because they chose to associate with the wrong people.

Our closest friends, our inner circle, need to be women of high character. Women who build us up and encourage us to live a godly life.

Let me encourage you today, to examine your friends. Are they a positive influence in your life? Choose wisely!

Be on your guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be brave. Be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

This song was the first one that came to my mind when I was thinking about bad company corrupts good morals.


Have a blessed day!

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  1. Cindy, you’re so correct and thank you for reminding me. I pay attention to my kids friends but your post reminds me to pay attention to the people around me daily. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for posting this! I really needed to hear that. Using wisdom and discernment when it comes to friendships has always been a struggle of mine and has become more apparent as I get older. I totally agree with your statement about the heavy influence of friends even as adults!

  3. Cyndi,
    Thanks for your example and encouragement. For many years I’ve heard this warning and issued it myself to my children. I’ve heard it said when pursuing friendships to be careful…if something in my spirit warns me….I want to listen. That nudge from the Holy Spirit is for my protection. As women sometimes we find security in many friends; that’s not always a healthy. I’m purposeful in praying for healthy, Godly friendships! Thank you for your faithfulness. Your blog is a HUGE encouragement to me.

  4. Cyndi
    Thanks for posting this. I told my boys something like this but it was “guilt by association”. I try to be better everyday. I love your blog!

  5. This is a good reminder for all of us. You are so right. We are all easily pulled off track. Thanks for tackling a tough topic that really does effect our inward beauty <3

  6. So true! This is what I continue to remind my children. Choose friends wisely and above all, ALWAYS stand strong in your faith, values and beliefs. As a mother of a teenage daughter living in a liberal state I do worry sometimes. But I know her way of thinking and her heart are on the right path.

  7. Hi Cyndi.

    You are so right. Even in the secular world, the best leaders tell you that you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with. I think about this often and try to surround my daughter with good, positive people. She’s almost 4 1/2, and she’s just beginning to talk about God a lot. We chose to send her to Catholic preschool rather than our county’s. Preschool for this very reason. We live in a very rural county, and sadly there are too many things considered normal that we do not consider normal. We try to do our best for her and ourselves .

    Happy Sunday to you. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautiful song…it really moved my heart.I try to live a Christian life but sometimes we falter in our thinking and or our actions.Made me think how even small things can affect our children and grandchildren.

    Thank-you for sharing such a wonderful song.

    Have a blessed day.

  9. Cyndi, you are so right. We don’t really think about evaluating the people we hang around as adults, but they do influence us whether we want them to or not. It’s our job as Christians to help those needing guidance, but we can’t allow ourselves to be pulled into the pit with them. Be aware and walk away if you find yourself following the wrong way. Praying for strength and listening to God about what to do is the only way to go.

  10. Oh Cyndi…I’ve never seen that video but love Casting Crowns. That broke my heart. But it’s so true. It’s reality. It’s what we so need to be reminded.–that as adults we can fall into the very things we teach our kids to stay away from. I think of the garden of Eden and how Satan was so cunning so deceptive so sly and Eve and Adam fell for it hook line and sinker. We must stay close to our Savior daily and cling to him. Love you lady.