Running the Race

Do you ever have those weeks where you feel like you’re taking two steps forward and three steps back? You know, you’re running the race but you’re always lagging behind?

Running the raceWhen I’m having one of those weeks where I feel I’m lagging behind, I read Hebrews 12:1.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

Isn’t it great to know we have a cloud of witnesses, cheering us on? I imagine them saying, “Keep going! Finish the race! You can do it!”

Maybe today, you need encouragement. Maybe you need to be reminded there’s a great cloud of witnesses cheering you on! I’m cheering for you too!

Most importantly, Jesus is cheering you on and He is for you. Grace wins!

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Have a blessed day!

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  1. Thank you for that today. I have felt pulled down and heavy all week a lot going on. I think we all need to stop and slow down. They played a song at church today at the cross very touching!!! God is wonderful…

  2. I’m a member of a group that meets to run or walk 3 miles on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 5:00 a.m. It’s really an open group that anyone can join. We have named ourselves the H 12:1 Group, based on the verse you have referenced today. We have anywhere from 8-18 people and before we set out to run, we hold hands and pray. It’s a very uplifting group and we are constantly rooting and cheering each other one. It’s such a blessing!

  3. One of my favorite verses! I am a runner, and knowing and feeling inside of me what it takes to keep running sometimes – our lives are an endurance race. It’s nice to know we’re not alone, and there are so many cheering us on, to keep on running our race that is set before us!!

  4. I most definitely needed to read that this morning, I’ve always loved the idea of the “cloud of witnesses” cheering for me when I am weary. I found out last night that my sister, who is just two years older than I am, tried to drown herself in a river yesterday, she also was holding onto a little cross necklace I had just given her last week, holding it to her lips…..I completely fell apart, but remember that I have been praying and asking God to please intervene in her life and help her to find her way out of where she’s been for 20+ years and back to Him. My heart breaks to know she felt so completely out of hope, but she did not succeed in her attempt and I know why, I know her heavenly father was with her and has plans yet for her life. I can’t wait to talk with her and tell her that, that she is here for a reason and it’s because God loves her so so much, He has things He wants her to do here still, she is valuable and loved, and she is being cheered on as well, to finish this race, even when there seems to be no hope left.

    Thank you for your post, I will share this one with her when I get to see her.

    1. Prayers for your sister and you Robyn. Your post brought tears to my eyes. God certainly has great plans for your sister.

    2. Prayers for your sister to find her way back to God’s heart and for you Robyn to be able to help her do just that. . . . . Cyndi, thank you as always. . . . . Gotta lay aside every weight and run the race that’s before us; If we grow weary and faint, the Father He will restore us!

        1. Oh Robyn, . . . . . It is a privilege to pray for you and your sister. Only God knows why He takes us along these paths. All we can do is keep seeking God and let Him lead. He loves your sister, she has the greatest value. He gave His life for all she is worth!

          1. Thank you again, you’re so right, He gave His life for all she is worth, I sure hope she will come to see this and know it to be truth. I have my church praying for her also and I know that she will feel all the prayer, she has told me in the past that she could feel it when she has been lifted in prayer.

  5. Thanks for the encouraging verse this morning. We have a long day of travel ahead of us and I need to be patient.
    Safe travels home friend.

  6. Thank you for today’s verse, Cyndi. I needed that reminder for my next two weeks. Perfect timing! Have a blessed week!

  7. Thank you Cyndi for these words of encouragement! So meaningful to me this week. It’s been a long one and next week holds more craziness. God is so good, and I’m thankful he planted these words from you today. You’re such an inspiration!