The Son Shines Through the Darkness

“The clouds cover the sun, but the sun is still there. And there are seasons of our life that can be covered in darkness, but the SON is still there.”

Wow, isn’t that true? Our lives are not always sunny. We have dark times, and during those times, it’s easy to feel like Jesus doesn’t hear us, but He does.

Scripture reminds us, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)

Have you ever felt like the pain was too much to bear? Have you cried until you ran out of tears?

It’s important to remember that Jesus understands our pain and suffering. All those tears are liquid prayers that flow right to the heart of God.

The Son Shines Through the Darkness

Remember, we can’t see the whole picture. On this side of heaven, we cannot comprehend everything happening behind the scenes.

1 Corinthians 3:12 says, Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.

We only see a small part of what God is doing in our lives, and often it doesn’t make sense.

  • Why did I lose someone I love?
  • Why is my child suffering?
  • Why am I having health issues?
  • Why did they hurt me?

I love this quote by John Piper, “Occasionally weep deeply over the life you hoped would be. Grieve the losses. Then wash your face. Trust God and embrace the life you have.”

We can face tomorrow because tomorrow is in His hands…

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by my blog. I’m also on FacebookPinterest, and Instagram.

Let your beauty shine from the inside out today!

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  1. This is so true Cyndi, we don’t know the “whys” now but we WILL!! We need to trust the Lord! Have a blessed day!!

  2. I have a client that quotes his mother often. One of my favorites is that the sun is always shining above the clouds! The clouds won’t last forever and the sun will shine again!

  3. Thank you so much for today’s spiritual message, Cyndi. It was what I needed on this day and I’m saving it, as well. My spouse is very ill. This has helped me. My gratitude, love and prayers go out to you and your family!

  4. Thank You Beautiful Cyndi, for letting Jesus shine ✨ from the inside and the airwaves, as it makes its way through with your encouraging words and truths and reminders of how much Jesus loves us/me has met oh so much again Thanks for reminding me to keep my eyes on HIM, for HE holds me in HIS Hands always 🥰

  5. Cyndi, I wanted to let you know that I shared this with a dear friend. Both of her parents passed last holiday season, less than 30 days apart. While Kat is a woman of faith, this is still a very difficult season of life for her. Her two older sisters are married, and she is the one that has the responsibility of handling all of the affairs. From what she has shared with me there is a lot of friction amongst them, which has damaged their relationship. She really appreciated the words from you, so Thank You!

    1. Ginger I’m so glad it helped and I’m sorry she’s going through such a difficult season. We lost Wayne’s parents within three months of each other. We were grieving the loss of his dad and then within months grieving the loss of his mom. It was a difficult season.
      Praying for your friend,

  6. Reminds me of the old song with the line, “For I know who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand!” I’ve sung through this many times over the years.

  7. We go through life asking why. It doesnt seem to get easier and there’s a lot of crying and anxiety and brushing it off – embrace the life you have. Good words to live by.

  8. Good morning beautiful soul Cyndi!! This BFTH hit the spot this morning. I Love the song too , I’ve been battling Parkinson’s now for several years but it doesn’t define who I am 🙏🏻
    God is still in control ♥️🙏🏻
    Have a Blessed Sunday with family

  9. Oh what a mighty word this morning, Cyndi. The Son always shines and is permeated even brighter during our times of greatest darkness. What a mighty God we serve! Such a strong tower!

  10. Thank you so much for sharing this this morning. It hits right where I am right now. Not understanding the why’s or how’s, but fully trusting in my Lord to walk us through this journey we never saw coming in our lives.

  11. Thank you so much for these words this morning! I needed this so much. This year has started out to be incredibly tough. I know Jesus is here. I just needed the gentle reminder