Fear Is A Liar

Happy Sunday ladies! We’re continuing with Facing our Giants with Eyes of Faith in 2020 and today our focus is on fear is a liar.

When we let fear and anxiety take over our thoughts, we don’t think clearly and fear lies to us.

(I did read all your comments last week and some of you felt we needed to shorten the videos. We will keep all future videos under 15 minutes but we had already taped this video so it’s a little longer.)


Where is fear or worry making you overstep your bounds and take on responsibility that is not yours? Where are you trying to control things that are out of your control??

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by my blog. I’m also on FacebookPinterest, and Instagram.

Have a blessed day!


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  1. I have truly enjoyed this post and the one last week, God definitely used both to speak to my heart! Cyndi, would you mind making a tab on your menu for the Sunday devotional s/ videos? Would be great to be able to find them quickly, I’d love to refer back to both these! Hope y’all continue to do these videos on Sunday, what a great addition to a day of worship!

  2. Wow! The Fear is a Liar video is EXCELLENT! Keep those life lessons coming, please! You really should publish these for Women’s Ministries…or better yet, you both come to my church and conduct a Women’s Life Lessons For Today Conference!

  3. Cindi thank you for this message this week’s. It was exactly What I needed. You are doing a great job telling us how to live a Christian life. God bless and keep letting God live through you to share with us what we need to hear Thank you

  4. I have loved these two videos with you and Jennifer! One question I have for Jennifer is what is the best way to respond to someone that’s flipping their lid and doesn’t have the ability to wait 20 min to calm down?

    1. Good question. Your best option is to not engage or engage as little as possible with whatever the flipped out person is doing or saying. Often their words or behavior may be inflammatory or accusatory or irrational. The more you try to engage and reason with them, the more stressed out they get. It can help to say “I need a time out” rather than saying to them “You need a time out so you can calm down.” Just speak for yourself and model for them what is a healthy course of action.
      Of course, you can’t make them choose a healthy course of action but you can possibly influence them by choosing that for yourself. We teach people how to treat us, and over time, when you refuse to continue to engage with people who have flipped their lid, they learn where your boundaries are and that you will not be hooked by them.
      Jennifer Degler

      1. Hi I have a question for Jennifer as well! You mentioned the “fight or flight” response and compared it to a smoke alarm that can’t differentiate between the house being on fire and burnt toast. You also mentioned that in people who struggle with anxiety or especially PTSD, this response can be exaggerated. Do both these issues also make it more difficult to discern between actual threats and perceived ones? If so what practical steps would you recommend to someone who is struggling with anxiety or even PTSD who is unsure if that feeling of alarm is warranted or if their mind is just being overactive because of past experience &/or anxiety?

        Thanks so much for explaining all this, it makes it so much easier to understand why we react the way we do!

  5. I loved this video. It was so helpful. I’m a mom that sometimes tries to control the situation. I looking forward to next week!

  6. I loved last week and this weeks’ videos! Thank you so very much for taking the time to do this. I agree with Stephanie’s comment that you shouldn’t be concerned about the length of them. I found the videos so interesting that the time watching them went by very quickly for me. What a blessing you are!

  7. Its amazing how God brings things together. This week was our first week back to my women’s bible study. Our books hadn’t arrived yet so we had a video from Priscilla Shirer on this very topic. Then I picked up a devotional paper my husband had got, and the topic was about worry and fear. Part of the article said ” worry is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do but it wont get you anywhere. Then your blog has this video today. I have been working on this in my life for the past several years. Learning not to worry about things I have no control over and just leave it with the Lord to take care of( still a work in progress). He’s a lot bigger than me and he can control what happens. Thank you so much for these videos. Its a reminder to me this week, that worrying is only a waste of my time, and will not change the past, or control tomorrow but can ruin a perfect today.
    Blessings Karen

  8. Thank you for the info Cyndi and Jennifer . I also deal with panic attacks . What a great explaination . Also the feeling of wanting to control your children lives is true for me too . I have really stepped back from that , and I do feel so much better. I feel that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. They are all doing great . Thanks again great info ! ❤️

  9. Thank you both for a great devotional. I have really enjoyed listening to both of them. Please don’t be concerned about the length of them. The Lord may have a lot to say to all of us through you. It might take more than 15 minutes. 🤗 . This really spoke to me this afternoon.

  10. You have no idea how timely this was for me. I have been struggling with a spirit of fear, anxiety, panic attacks and begging God for freedom! Is there a way to prevent flipping your lid? Cindy, could you tell me how you read and study on a daily basis? Do you read through a book of the Bible, do a devotional, or do a Bible study? I really need more direction in this.

  11. Thank you Cyndi. I love these encouraging message you send out. I could watch the videos all day. I would not worry about the time of the videos. It’s God’s time and if He wants you to send out a message, it will be the time He wants it to be. =) His plan, not ours. The message He wants us to hear. Obviously FEAR is a big thing. We just had the same one from church yesterday. The Lord is talking to His people. I know I need to hear it.
    Have a blessed week. Keep on preaching.

  12. This video is MY HEART! almost everything you guys mentioned spoke directly to me and my walk right now, beginning to end. I’ve dealt with anxiety my entire life. It’s not a new thing for me, but the summer of 2018 I began having panic attacks. This was a new giant to me, a giant that was nothing like anxiety with which I had learned to cope. I spent two months leaning on God, praying, waiting, begging Him to show me what was to be learned and release me from it. I finally started to become agoraphobic and had to seek medical help in order to return to my job as a teacher. Thank God, He chose to help me at that time and currently I am on medication to help control my panic response. I love the brain analogy, as I’ve studied the amygdala extensively for several years as I have learned to cope with my anxiety. As a believer, there is much guilt when you are an anxious person, and even more so with panic disorder. I am currently looking for a Christian psychologist to help me come off the meds (I currently take below my dosage amount, praise God, but I want to come completely off them. It’s not easy finding help with mental health issues. I’m still looking, so if Dr. Jennifer can give any resources for me, I would appreciate it very much!
    Also, the end about worrying about your children following the Lord when they become adults. I’m there now. Great kids, but one doesn’t go to church. I’m leaning on the Lord here too.
    Sorry for such a long post, but oh how it ALL spoke to my heart and struggles right now. Thank you for taking the time to do this! Just for the record, I have NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER with the longer devotionals. God Bless!

  13. Thank you for this information. It helped so much…Fear can straggle anyone, but knowing that we have a Big God and small giants is a great way of looking at things. Also, the 20 minute rule is a handy tool to use.
    Thank you Dr. Jennifer and Cyndy very informative today. Looking forward to the next one.

  14. Hi ladies

    I just want to thank Dr. Jennifer for that great demonstration of the brain. I’m in my third year studying psychology and that was so helpful it made me understand so clearly what usually seems so complex! Thank you too Cyndi this was a great session once again.

    God bless