Hope In Turbulent Times

Happy Sunday, ladies! I hope you’re having a good weekend. We were able to spend some time with my family, and it was so good to be together.

There’s so much chaos in the world right now, and it’s made me more thankful than ever for the simple things in this life. Time with family, a beautiful sunset, hearing a child laugh, a call from a friend, etc.

In the last few weeks at church, we’ve been studying the life of Joseph (Jacob and Rachel’s son). If you’re familiar with Joseph, his story is found in the book of Genesis.

His life is full of ups and downs, and yet through everything, Joseph remained faithful to God. Here is a summary of his life:

  • His brothers wanted to kill him but ended up selling him into slavery.
  • He was eventually sold to Potiphar and became his personal servant, and subsequently his household’s superintendent. Here, Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph, which he refused. Angered by his running away from her, she made a false accusation of rape, and thus assured his imprisonment.
  • While in prison, he was put in charge of prisoners. Joseph interpreted Pharoah’s dream while in prison and was eventually placed in charge of Egypt.
  • Due to a famine, Joseph’s brothers meet in Egypt, and the family is eventually reunited.

We can learn a lot from Joseph’s life. One is that life is not fair, and it doesn’t always turn out the way we think it should, but there is hope in the midst of turbulent times.

Let that sink in for a moment….THERE IS HOPE IN THE MIDST OF TURBULENT TIMES.

Max Lucado, pastor, and author says this about life…..

Life is a wonderful gift from God, and most people do all they can to hold on to the one they’ve been given. But let’s face it. Sometimes life can take you by surprise, and not in a good way.

It can slap you upside the head and drag you down into a roiling sea of desperation, anger, hurt, confusion, pain, and any number of other feelings and emotions, you would rather not visit, much less make your abode.

At times, the clouds covering us from our undesired circumstances can be so dark, so oppressive, so consuming we question whether we will even survive, let alone dare to hope we could ever thrive again.

For some, the experience cuts so deep into the quick of life that the foundation of their faith quakes and they begin to doubt God, His goodness, His power, His care, and awareness, even His very existence.

But, You’ll get through this.
It won’t be painless.
It won’t be quick.
But God will use this mess for good.
Don’t be foolish or naive.
But don’t despair either.
With God’s help, you’ll get through this.

One of the familiar verses from Joseph’s life is Genesis 50:20, You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. God can make good out of our world today.

Whatever you are going through, know there is hope! Don’t lose hope!

I’ve shared this song before but it seems more appropriate than ever…One Day.


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by my blog. I’m also on FacebookPinterest, and Instagram.

Have a blessed day!


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  1. Thank you Cyndi for such an inspiring song and so right for what we are going through right now. Love love the song.
    I will check out the Amazon dresses which look so cute on as always, and
    The story about Joseph is encouraging and thank you so much for that too. Dr. David Jeremiah once told the story on his program and I listened to it in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep.
    You are a very nice person Cyndi, kind hearted and beautiful inside and out.
    God Bless you.

  2. My Mother was ent to be with Jesus last week and the pain means I was loved. Your words touched me today and I thank you for that.
    A friend told me last week that tears are OK. Jesus knee he would raise Lazarus but Jesus still wept. Thank you for all your words of encouragement.

  3. Thank you for your devotion on hope. It was both encouraging and uplifting during a time when it is so badly needed. You have a beautiful spirit inside and out.

  4. Thank u so much for the great messages and fantastic music it really does help so much ! Dianne

    1. What a timely message during these uncertain times. Thank you so much for the positive reminder of His hope in our lives. God bless you and your family.

  5. Wayne did a wonderful job today and your message in the blog today is perfect. Thank you, sweet friend!💕

    1. Hi Jenny!!! 😃 It is hard not to get discouraged but there’s always hope. . . His hope!!!

  6. Thank you for your encouraging post. Needed this reminder that God is always present, even when it doesn’t feel like it. Blessings to you and your family ❤️

  7. Thank you and Amen to your BFTH . I enjoyed listening to that song while getting ready this morning (played it twice) and could not help but to think what that day will truly be like. Oh what we have as believers to look forward too.
    Your Canadian follower:)

    1. Thank you so much for this post. It’s exactly what I needed today. The scripture and song you shared brought me so much peace, and was a perfect reminder that there is always hope in the Lord❤️

  8. This is so encouraging and I really needed to hear this today! Thank you for always sharing these beautiful Sunday messages!!

  9. Good morning a beautiful Lord’s Day!
    Thanks for your devotion you shared today.The words you shared and the song help give us wisdom during these troubling times. Blessings for you and your family today.

  10. Thanks you for this post today. It came at the right time. God is in control even when it doesn’t feel like it.

  11. Sometimes you have just the right word of wisdom for the troubles of the day Cyndi! Thank you for sharing with us!

  12. Thanks so much for your devotions and daily inspiration in both life and fashion! I really like Max Lucado as well and find that message to be particularly relevant in today’s world. Have a great Sunday!

    1. Good morning a beautiful Lord’s Day!
      Thanks for your devotion you shared today.The words you shared and the song help give us wisdom during these troubling times. Blessings for you and your family today.