I Will Speak

Happy Sunday, ladies! We have had a productive weekend, we also spent some time with our family. All in all, I think I’m ready to start a new week.

I get lots of emails from women, but I often get emails that have to do with my faith. It usually says something like this, I enjoy your fashion, but your willingness to share about Christ is what I most enjoy.

I think some women are surprised that you can love Jesus and still admit that you love fashion.

When I started writing my blog, I didn’t know how all this would end up. I certainly didn’t think it would become my full-time job.

One thing I knew, I wanted to share the hope I have in Jesus. I prayed about it and began to think about how I could do that.

I love fashion, makeup, and all girly things. Fashion is something a lot of women love, so why not share about fashion and include where true beauty begins.

I don’t want to say I made a deal with Jesus, but I did tell him if I share about fashion and I have an audience, I would always share about His mercy and His grace and how He has been a constant source of hope in my life.

That is why I have to share about Jesus. I promised. And as far as I’m concerned, fashion is my job, but there’s nothing better than a relationship with Jesus.

I WILL SPEAK………For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes. Romans 1:16



Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by my blog. I’m also on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.






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  1. Hi Cyndi,
    One day I realised I had not style, hehe, then I started looking ideas in the internet.. I found you then…but the first time I see and read Beauty For The Heart … now I know I found more than fashion & style.. GOD found me in I difficult time for me and I reconected to HIM through you.. infinity thanks Cyndi.

  2. Thank you Cyndi for your loving heart! What a joy it is to know that there are people who love Jesus and love sharing about Him on their blog. Like you He is my rock & my fortress. Where would we be without Him, especially in times like these. May God richly bless you and your family! I sure enjoy your blog:-)!!

  3. How very beautiful for you to share the “why” of what you do.
    God bless you and you go girl!
    ….there is nothing better than you, no, theres nothing better than you ….Jesus

  4. Helli Cyndi, I am a subscriber. I did not know you were a xhristian until today. I am very glad to know that. I am wven more happy to follow your videos.

  5. Cyndi,
    Thank you for sharing your faith. When I read the intro title, I was afraid that you had gotten the “we love your fashion, but would you please leave Jesus out of it?” emails. I hope you haven’t; although I suspect you have.
    Thank you for continuing to point us to our Lord and savior. Without Him, we are desperately wicked and utterly hideous.

  6. What a powerful song! Thank you for sharing. I posted it on Facebook.
    Cyndi, God will honor your speaking of Him.

  7. I’m so grateful I found your blog, I look forward every day to see what your styling, but I love to read your testimonies daily your such an inspiration!

    1. Thanks for the post. It is great to find people that are not afraid to speak of our Lord and Savior. Blessings to you and your family.

  8. Look forward to your Sunday post just about more than the rest of the week😉!!! Loved this song. Also the one “I speak Jesus” has been on non-stop in our house since you shared it as well! Thank you for your witness and joyous approach to living a victorious Christian life.

    1. I love that you share your faith. As believers we are compelled to do so. You have been blessed with a great platform to share fashion and beauty and people need Jesus so what better way to be a witness. Thanks for bringing us all things girly. I need it with two grown boys and no daughters!! ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Thank you for sharing your faith with us. In a world where people don’t hesitate to spread filth, anger, hate, cynicism, it’s wonderful to hear you speak up for the Lord. We need more virtue in the conversation! Have a wonderful week.

  10. He is our Hope of Glory ❤️
    Thank you for sharing and encouraging us with the words of Life, Cyndi!

  11. I love your blog and love even more your love for Jesus. Even if it touches one person who turns their life to Christ it is a job well done. I am sure He is happy you are sharing His Word to others as I am.

    1. I remember many years ago scrolling through Pinterest and came across a post of you. I noticed a picture which was actually a bible verse on the wall behind you. I started following you at that moment and was thrilled to know that we not only had fashion in common but a love for Jesus!! Thank you for using this as a platform to share!

  12. What a beautiful song! I’m so thankful that you enjoy speaking about Jesus. He is the most important thing, after all. 💕💕

    1. Thank you for speaking for Jesus and for sharing scripture. This is the reason I follow you and read all your posts.
      Thank you for encouraging us all. Many times this past year the scripture you shared or the song, or your comments really ministered to me. Thank you!

  13. Absolutely love this Cindi! Thank you for always sharing your love of Jesus, and spreading this love to all! What a better world this would be if each of us did this very thing! Continued blessings to you and your family, and continue on with your positive uplifting messages, and fashion sense.

  14. Thank you, Cyndi! You’re proof that being a Christian doesn’t mean you can’t be other things, too. God wants us to be happy and to live abundantly. Keep speaking!

  15. Thank you for using the platform God has given you to speak boldly and courageously. May we all stand-up and speak Jesus no matter the cost. Be blessed, Cyndi!

  16. Cyndi- thank you for the words you speak! A positive and encouraging to me and so many other ladies who need it. God gave you this platform to speak his message! I love the fashion and beauty tips (and those have helped me through some important events!) but it’s that message of Jesus that really keeps me coming back! ❤️Thanks for being such a blessing!