Welcome! I think men are always the hardest to buy gifts for, don’t you? I have put together some Gifts For Him to help you with your Christmas shopping this year. Enjoy and happy shopping!


one Cashmere Pullover // two Gucci Guilty // three Razor // four Shirt Jacket // five Aviator Sunglasses // six Leather Strap Watch // seven Bose Speaker  // eight Zip Front Vest // nine Ugg Slippers

Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog. I’m also on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

Beauty For the Heart~~He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

Have a blessed day!

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  1. I read the Micah text at my Mother’s funeral. My sister requested it and it was a great description of our dear sweet Mother. Thank you for the guy Christmas guide. Have a blessed day and take the nap. 🛏🎄

  2. isnt it interesting how our already busy days and sometimes into the night can just explode with the holidays ??
    Thank God for the added strength He always bestows on us.
    I hope Courtney will think it is ok to post some pictures so we can get a headstart on some Christmas decor.

    Did your hunters nod off after dinner after getting up early and tromping about in the cold outdoors ?

  3. Love everything about todays post! EVERYTHING! Oh, you and your sister remind me of my sister and I. We were always on call for each other. Now she loves six hours away from me, so I have to do all on my own now! Ha! Have a fantastic weekend, and wr can officially begin saying Happy Holidays now, since our first one is around the corner! 🤗 🦃

  4. Haha yeah , I saw Traci’s insta story that she was stuck in traffic at 3:00 this morning and she said she wasn’t going to get home in time to take him , you are a good sister. I love the over the knee boots . Have fun helping your daughter decorate her tree and that nap sounds good .
    Have a wonderful evening!!!

  5. Thank you for the ideas! Regarding gifts for the elderly: if they like to keep in touch but difficult to get out for supplies, an assortment of cards for various occasions & postage stamps; if room for it, a desk pad calendar with large squares (easy to read & check off each day – Current has a few); jigsaw puzzles they can work alone or with family or friends; gift certificate for a personal service like a haircut, mani or pedi (many elderly have difficulty reaching feet). God bless everyone for a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  6. Could you please post ideas for elderly parents? My mom just moved to assisted living with limited space and has enough clothes, robes and slippers etc. and doesn’t need anything. I have her b’day and Christmas both in Dec. She’s going to be 79.

    1. Note cards, greeting cards, stamps, gift cards for restaurants, if she goes out,
      books, magazines, CD’s, a gift card for the salon where she lives, etc.

      1. Thanks so much for your ideas Maryann. I never even thought of greeting cards or gift certificate to her salon in her assisted living. She is always thinking of cards to make out for her families b’days…..when she remembers, but then has to go find the cards that the assisted living has. Would be nice if she had her own selection like she use to keep around. Thanks again.

    2. Hi Kathy,

      My Mom has been in assisted living for 3 years this December. Finding practical yet enjoyable gifts has been a challenge at times. The following are a few things my Mom has enjoyed:

      A magazine subscription or books
      Note cards & postage stamps
      A flowering plant or an Amarylis – she can take care of, watch it grow and bloom.
      A soft throw or bed jacket
      Small weather station
      Bird house or feeder if allowed
      Luminara candle (runs on batteries but it looks like a real flame
      Small photo album of family members
      Music CD’s, DVD’s or books on tape
      Small seasonal Knick-knacks
      Soft scented lotions and shower gels
      A new outfit makes any woman feel better no matter their age!
      If she uses a walker an organizer companion made of fabric. Allows her to carry things she may need while at meals or activities
      Jig-saw puzzles
      Adult coloring book and colored pencils

      1. Wow!!!!! Really great ideas. Thanks so much for taking time to respond. My mom has only been moved since May. She has dementia so the move was hard on her but she has settled in now. 🙂

  7. Love the sneak preview. 🙂 It seems like Christmas is coming so fast and I want to be decorated BUT……Thanksgiving is taking so long to get here. I’m hosting so just want to get moving on it. 🙂 So much to do but trying not to stress.

  8. You are one busy lady but it feels nice to help out. That’s what families do. Enjoy your weekend, Cyndi and we’ll see you Monday.

  9. Wonderful ideas! I’m going to check out the OTK boots. I’m kinda chicken, but I kinda want a pair. I told Jo-Lynne I thought I was too short and she sent me a great blog post form someone as encouragement. We shall see. Have fun with Courtney decorating. Sweet mother/daughter time❤️

    1. Lisa, I don’t know how tall you are but I am 5’4″ and I LOVE the OTK boots. I just make sure they don’t go to my thighs! The slouchy (lol – is that the term?) OTK boots are best because you can adjust how high they go. Give them a try!

    2. Yes, I saw that post too from jo-Lynne. Got me thinking( should I? shouldn’t I? )I’m 5’3 as well and I’m not all leg in anyway lol.

  10. Thanks for sharing… your outfit for Monday looks like something I’d wear in a heartbeat. Can’t wait to see the whole thing, what a tease lol. By the way thought you where taking the weekends off. You deserve it😊
    Blessings and happy decorating🎄🎄