What to Expect When You’re Facing a New Challenge – Part 4

Happy Sunday ladies! I’m back today with Dr. Jennifer Degler and we’re sharing “What to Expect When You’re Facing a New Challenge.” Some of what we talk about in this video can be applied to so many areas of our life, even what is going on in our world today.

In case you missed it, you find Part One Here, Two Here, and Three Here. We were still social distancing in this video, our state still wants us to social distance if at all possible.


Do you struggle with wanting your way? Are you listening to God?

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Have a blessed day!


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  1. I hv really enjoyed your series…please continue..
    I always remember quick listen, slow to speak and slow to
    become angry.

  2. Thanks for your discussion today. These are trying times and I really needed a reminder to “Let go and let God!” Sometimes it just takes a little reminder like what comes from your discussions to help me get back on track. So simple but yet so hard sometimes. I just need to remember to stop, back up, take a deep breath and let God handle it for me. It helps me live with so much more grace when I let God in. Again thanks for your little reminders!

  3. This one really hit home. I had some friend believers make comments to me about my thoughts still on social distancing. I am not ready to open up close with 6 of us together as I have new grandbabies I want to see Etc. A fewmade comments by text that were hurtful to me. They were still going to gather etc. I wanted to text back and defend myself but stepped back and decided it wasn’t worth loosing friendships and I’d just remain silent as they knew my reasons and that should be good enough. Two of them texted back they understood and I’d be missed but others weren’t so gracious. I missed a fun get together but it was my decision at the time for my family and safety. There is still times it comes up in my mind and I get hurt about it but know I have to forgive and forget. Maybe they will come to me someday like you guys mentioned and apologize for being my opposition. Thanks for the reminder this morning to continue to seek the Lord for His Grace and ask when we should step up or step down in a situation. We all are stressed and tired of Covid living. We need to give our friends Grace.

  4. Calif is behind the curve on returning to our worship centers. we had a real by the books approach to back to church this AM. invitations sent to all explaining the process and TSVP required, then all the testing and questioning. Plus numbers to be assembled for each service dictated by the gov.// Leadership is determined to not get shurdown. Our pastors are huggers so it was with amusement that they dismissed the congregation with reminders about distancing and made large circles in the air for noncontact hugs.

    1. WV is slowly returning to normal, where worship is concerned. I think our leadership recognizes the importance of worship to our citizens. We are still social distancing, masks, etc. and we, too are huggers who are pantomiming hugs!
      The Supreme Court has left it up to state government to decide how churches open, so we have met in person for 2 weeks, with restrictions. We were SO glad not to Zoom-meet any longer. God bless you all! We are a family together in God, even tho we are in different locations!