3 Steps To Take When You Feel Spiritually Dry

Let’s be honest; sometimes we can feel spiritually dry. We can get busy, or we can allow bitterness or hurts to keep us from being in God’s word, and then we begin to realize we don’t feel close to God. I have been there.

Dry seasons happen.  And, although it can feel like it, a dry season doesn’t mean you’re a bad Christian.  Quite the opposite, it makes you a normal Christian.

My guess is every Christian goes through at least one dry season. And, although God is quiet, it doesn’t mean He’s not there. He is!

Here are 3 Steps To Take When You Feel Spiritually Dry

1. Confess it and spend time in prayer.

Tell Jesus you’re feeling dry. He knows it, and he understands. Spend time praying for a renewed spirit. Ask God to show you if anything is obstructing your relationship with Him.

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. God wants you to cry out to Him. Prayer for more of Jesus is a prayer that will never be denied.

2. Dig Deep into God’s word and try changing up your Bible reading.

We know reading God’s word is key for igniting our spiritual lives, but we struggle to know what to do when our Bible reading doesn’t seem to be transforming us into the image of Christ.

One thing you can do is change how you normally read the Bible. Try reading a different version of the Bible. I love the Amplified version, The Message, and the New Living Translation when I’m reading a book in the Bible.

I recently started reading The Passion Translation. It’s only translated in the New Testament, Psalms, Proverbs and Song of Songs but I like reading it.  Also, try a different devotional book.

3. Listen to Praise Music.

This is one of my favorite things to do, especially when I’m working around the house. I crank my praise music up and have my own little worship service.

Remember, dry seasons have a beginning but more importantly an end!

If you need some help, this song by Chris Tomlin is a great reminder that no one loves us like Jesus.

Have a Blessed Sunday!

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  1. Thank you so much. This absolutely what I needed to hear. Been feeling this a lot lately.. Thank you!!!! 😊😊😥

  2. You have hit a very sore spot for me. In 39 years of accepting Christ, I’ve never had a consistent plan for reading the Word. I’ve done studies, devotional, but never really got into reading the Bible. Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated. Also, how do you listen to your music? Cds, radio, apps?

  3. Thank you Cyndi! Sometimes the only ministry I get is from you. These are great suggestions. Have a wonderful week. Xo Joanie 🌷

  4. Thanks It is wonderful to know that no matter what life hands you. To know there on one me more than Jesus. Have God Blessed evening.

  5. I love this blog for the great fashion but the added feature of spirituality is great.im in a dry season right now , suffering from depression and trying to find the right medication.thanjs Cindy for your warnth and kindness in writing g this .I know God will heal me .

  6. Thank you for your encouragement. Especially need this today after being persecuted. I rest in knowing I am His and He is mine and His love is unchanging.

  7. Thank you for this post. This has happened with me recently. My husband has had alot of medical problems and I’ve had to shoulder most of the responsibilities and sometimes it’s hard to feel the connection I need..

  8. Thank you Cindy. This was perfect timing for me. Good advice on the music. There are times I’m so dry … but listening to the praise music has taken me to deeper levels. Be blessed.

  9. Thank you for your post. I am going through a spiritual dry time. My husband has been diagnosed with lung cancer and since his diagnosis I am having a difficult time searching for my faith.

    1. Hey Paula. Im praying for you and your family. I was told first of dec i had breast cancer. I was filled with fear. I prayed God would take away my fear and He did. And He blesses in abundance. He took away All pain of my masectomy. Im all clear, no treatments needed. Now im praying God blesses your husband like He did me. May He comfort you and family. Much love and prayers! Dee

    2. Paula – I heard someone say today: God doesn’t give us what we can handle but helps us handle what we are given. And I have found that to be true in my life. I will say a prayer for God’s will and for strength and peace and comfort for you both. 🙏🏻

  10. Thank you for this. We all need to be aware of times like these. I love to listen to praise music. It truly does wonders for your soul and mood.

  11. Thank you for posting that song Cyndi. I have no family and things are tough at work. I needed to know I wasn’t alone. Anne

  12. Thanks for the encouragement, Cyndi! And for the the song … love Chris and mountains are my happy place. Had to share … I put that very Jeremiah verse on my little letter board yesterday. So good! Have a blessed day! 😊