An Attitude of Gratitude

I recently shared that I keep a Gratitude Journal. It’s a small notebook where I list 4 to 5 things every day that I’m grateful for. Somedays it’s as simple as the sunrise, or breath in my lungs, but it reminds me that no matter what my day holds, I have a lot to be grateful for.

An Attitude of GratitudeI desire to have an Attitude of Gratitude. The definition of grateful is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

I love the end of the definition that says to return kindness.

Colossians 3:17 (TPT) says, Let every activity of your lives and every word that comes from your lips be drenched with the beauty of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. And bring your constant praise to God the Father because of what Christ has done for you!

Ladies, our words and our deeds matter. I’m the first one to admit that my words don’t always reflect Christ but I’m striving to be more like Him every day. I want to love the unlovable to forgive those who have hurt me deeply.

What we say and what we do matters! The world is watching.

An attitude of gratitude also means that we are thankful for what we have and we don’t compare it to other women. That’s not easy in the world of social media.

We all look at someone and think “if only.” If only I had her house I would be happier, or if I had more money, or if I had a better job, and the list goes on…..

Let me remind you that no one has a perfect life. We all fight battles and the enemy is working hard to make us think we need MORE but truthfully, joy comes when we relish in God’s grace and remember what He has done for each of us.

Start today with gratitude. It doesn’t mean that life is perfect. It doesn’t mean we don’t have problems. But our attitude can make a huge difference in how we handle our circumstances.

I have shared this song before, but it’s still one of my favorites. Today let’s count every blessing!

Have a blessed Sunday!


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  1. Thank you so much!!! This came at a time that I am feeling very stressed. Being grateful truly helps to alleviate the stresses that we all endure daily. God Bless!!!

  2. Thank you Cyndi, I have been working so hard to
    Thank the Lord for All my blessings and be greatful
    for even the smallest things!
    Have a blessed day and week!!

  3. Thanks for sharing. You are definitely right. You have to constantly remind yourself to be grateful. I appreciate you.

  4. Cyndi, you have made a difference in my life as I look forward to reading your blogs daily. My Dad passed away last Wednesday and it has been quite devastating but your daily words help so much. Thank you for being you.,

  5. My Mom passed suddenly last year at a very young, 79. While going through her personal belongings, we found several “grateful” journals we were unaware she kept. What a blessing to read her words about how grateful she was everyday for her children and grandchildren and friends. So many little things we sometimes take for granted, she appreciated. Thanks for sharing. God Bless you all abundantly!

  6. Hi Cyndi,
    I read and follow both you and your sister and I am also guilty of wishing I have what other women have. I fight those feelings everyday and I have so much to be grateful for but a lot has not worked out for me as a 60 year old mother and grandmother. I have had a lot of very hurtful things done to me that its too much to even start on. Things just didn’t work out for me as hard as I tried. But I love Jesus and I hang on to his promise that these days will pass someday and it will all work out.
    I was wondering where you got your little booklet of Today I am
    Grateful For. Love that.
    Thanks so much Cyndi for all the hard work you put into your blogging and for being honest. Its help me so much. Donna

  7. I so loved this! Thank you for writing it. It was a beautiful reminder of truth. I so love following you! I’m a new follower and so glad I ran into you! Hugs for a great weekN be blessed!

  8. Thank you for today’s post and always for your honesty! I fall into the “ comparing myself” trap and it never goes well- good reminder to always be grateful to God for he knows exactly what we need.

  9. My prayer lately has been the same thing. I want to reflect Jesus when others look at me, and that everything I say and do, bring Honor and Glory to our God! Thank you Cyndi, for always being so transparent! We are all a work in progress.

  10. So very well said. It’s so important to be hankful for all that we have been blessed with. I have 4 grown children, not all of them are walking with the Lord. Plus a mom with Alzheimer’s. Each day I try hard to find something about each of my kids and my mom to be thankful for.

    A few weeks back, after a particularly hard conversation with one son, I wrote “I’m thankful he wasn’t arrested last night”. Yes, there’s always something to be thankful for!

  11. Thank you so much for your reminder to be grateful for all our blessings! I have a Prayer Journal, but will try a Gratitude Journal. What a great idea!

  12. Thank you for your words of faith and gospel. I believe God is working through you. Your messages have come to me at perfect times.Thank you. God bless you!

  13. Cyndi thank you for the reminder to have an attitude of gratitude. I have been following your blog since its inception and find you to be a lovely sincere Christian. I will comment that it seems that many blogs inherently promote comparison and buying products,fashion,decor to keep up with others. While it may not be the intention, it promotes the attitude of needing more and more and more. It has been said that social media has caused more depression in individuals because we think others have better lives than us because.of their homes, clothes, decor,travel etc. We need this top,these boots or this couch, and on and on. So while blogs can be a way of connecting with others and sharing our thoughts, they can have the effect of causing envy, insecurity and dissatisfaction rather than being thankful and grateful.. A wise blogger should be reviewing his/her content honestly and asking questions about whether my blog represents my true identity. food for thought. Thank you for listening. Blessings

  14. Thank you for this!! so stumbled across your blog yesterday when searching for cute fall outfits with leggings. As soon as I saw your references to God at the bottom of each page, I knew I needed to subscribe. Then you send this!

    First, aging is tough. Even for someone not quite old/not quite young. Ha ha.

    Secondly, I have been guilty lately of wanting this or that and feeling so inadequate. And I felt that way looking at your blog. Wanting your ability to style clothes. Your ability to purchase clothes. Your cutness! Ha ha. So…don’t despair! You’ve still ‘got it.’

    But you’re right. I’m in the time of life I am and need to embrace that. The extra baby weight. The lack of sleep. the inability to really focus on me, my hair, makeup, etc. because I’m taking care of a baby, toddler and first grader. God has me focusing on my home and family vs. my outward appearance. And that’s much more important AND a huge blessing I need to be mindfully grateful for!

  15. This spoke to me so much today. I woke up thinking about how I judge my life by others Thank you for reminding me to focus on the blessings God has given to me. Have a blessed Sunday.

  16. Good reminder for us all. Your grace and beauty (inner and outer) are an inspiration for us all. Don’t let any snarky comments get you down. You never know what’s going on in that person’s life and rarely its about you, more often its about their own discontent. You are a blessing to us! Keep your head up high.