Where I Find Hope

Have you ever been hurt by someone else’s actions? Have you ever felt like life wasn’t being fair to you? Do you have a broken relationship, a wayward child? Have you lost someone you love?

Most of us could raise our hand to at least one of the above. It’s easy to lose hope when we feel like our life is out of control or that our problems are insurmountable.

Scripture is full of men and women who also faced hurt and disappointments.

Joseph (Jacob and Rachel’s son) is a perfect example of someone whose life is full of ups and downs, and yet through everything, Joseph remained faithful to God (His story is found in Genesis (37–50).

Here is a summary of his life:

  • His brothers wanted to kill him but ended up selling him into slavery.
  • He was eventually sold to Potiphar and became his servant and, subsequently, his household’s superintendent. Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph, which he refused. Angered by his running away from her, she made a false accusation of rape and thus assured his imprisonment.
  • While in prison, he was put in charge of prisoners. Joseph interpreted Pharoah’s dream while in prison and was eventually placed in charge of Egypt.
  • Due to a famine, Joseph’s brothers meet in Egypt, and the family is eventually reunited.

We can learn a lot from Joseph’s life. One is that life is unfair and doesn’t always turn out how we think it should. But there is HOPE.

Max Lucado, pastor, and author, says this about life…..

Life is a wonderful gift from God, and most people do all they can to hold on to the one they’ve been given. But let’s face it. Sometimes life can take you by surprise, and not in a good way.

It can slap you upside the head and drag you down into a roiling sea of desperation, anger, hurt, confusion, pain, and any number of other feelings and emotions, you would rather not visit, much less make your abode.

At times, the clouds covering us from our undesired circumstances can be so dark, so oppressive, so consuming we question whether we will even survive, let alone dare to hope we could ever thrive again.

For some, the experience cuts so deep into the quick of life that the foundation of their faith quakes, and they begin to doubt God, His goodness, His power, His care, and awareness, even His very existence.

But, You’ll get through this.
It won’t be painless.
It won’t be quick.
But God will use this mess for good.
Don’t be foolish or naive.
But don’t despair either.
With God’s help, you’ll get through this.

One of the familiar verses from Joseph’s life is Genesis 50:20, You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good.

God can make good out of difficult seasons. How do I know? Because I’ve seen Him do it in my own life.

For me, my hope is found in Jesus. When life is hard or uncertain, when I’ve messed up, or I’m overwhelmed with grief, He is my hope. I’m so thankful for Jesus!



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Let your beauty shine from the inside out today!

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  1. Thank you sooo much for the beautiful devotional today!!! Cyndi, you are an awesome blessing in my life!!!

  2. Thank You! Thank You! YOU are such a Wonderful Blessing, with a beautiful talent. Aside from all the nice outfits and all the fun that brings, My Favorite is, You always direct us to The Lord, In so many ways. For that I thank you~.~

  3. Cyndi, I can related to your devotional today. I have been at this place. The beauty of it was through the hurt my relationship with God became closer. I believe that was God’s plan the whole time. Sometimes healing comes through pain.
    Blessings to you.

  4. Cyndi,

    Thank you for this message of hope and encouragement. I just lost my husband of 41 years to a horrible cancer. I have seen God throughout this cancer do some beautiful things in our lives. Even on the darkest days HE is there. I am thankful for His saving grace and love for me.
    PS My husband & I were campers. Hope to take our trailer out solo in the fall. So peaceful


    1. Holly….. so sorry. I can’t imagine what you have gone through. Tomorrow my husband and I will have been married 41 yrs. I’ve had a fear of loosing him for awhile now and have had to give it to the Lord. We can’t worry about the future. I know that. God is faithful. I pray you feel His comfort. You are brave to go camping solo. That’s great you will enjoy that. Prayers for you.

  5. Thank for sharing this devotional it hit home in many ways. God will help us get through it all. There is always hope. Have a great Sunday. God Bless🙏

  6. Wonderful devotional today Cyndi. We can confidently place all our faith and hope in Jesus. He will never fail us ir leave us – that’s His promise to us! We can’t ever be “plucked from His hand.”

  7. Sometimes it’s only our HOPE and TRUST in God that gets us through whatever season we are going through. ❤️🙏🏻

  8. Yes, struggles are so real, but I’ve learned over the years (many) that God is faithful and I can count on Him in good and bad times. Thank you for sharing tho today Cyndi!

  9. Your Sunday devotionals seem to always be on point with just what I need to hear and lift me up and increase my faith. Thank you for what you do ❤️

  10. Wow, it’s like you were speaking directly to me! Yes, I have a wayward child who’s 19 and autistic and struggling to find his place in life. Yes, I have a broken relationship since my husband is verbally abusive and has dementia at only 72. I’m 65. Yes, I just lost my mom which is a profound loss since she is the last blood relative I had left ( my son is adopted). There is more. am struggling with my faith. It’s all too much on my shoulders. I will read the scripture you recommended. Thank you for your devotional today.

  11. Thank you Cyndi!! This is a beautiful reminder everyday ♥️🙏🏻 of God’s goodness. I love this song . You’re so on point today with this verse 💓
    God continue blessing you and your family , making your new home feel welcome and cozy .

  12. Cyndi,
    The timing of your devotion is the Lord’s work. I am struggling with my past hurts by my parents. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I know my hope is in Him! I have to fight the pain and let Him heal me only as He can.
    Thank you for always sharing His Word on your blog!

  13. Wow. God works in wonderful ways even a email. I truly needed this today as we have a nephew (19) that is going through brain tumor and in university of Cincinnati children hospital having intense chemo. Please keep him in your prayers. His name is Grant. God Bless. Thanks for the beautiful devotion each day
    Cindy Horsley

    1. Cyndi Horsley, prayers for Grant that our Precious Father will restore him to great health.. Strength and blessings to you and family as well 🙏🏻🙏🏻
      Believe in Miracles

  14. Thank you Cyndi. This timing was ideal for me. I was feeling frustrated with my girls and while we’ve had our ups and downs I was surprised to have issues with both daughters. I need to be supportive and know God’s intentions are good. Have a blessed day!

  15. Dear Cyndi, my husband just left me and it’s been Sebastian g and painful. I asked God to please tell me how I should think about this situation (because my thinking has not been positive) to help with the pain. True to form, God has your email waiting for me this morning. Thank you for sharing. I’ll cling to this when I am downcast.