Who Do You Imitate?

Some of our best times as a family are when we gather around the table and share a meal. There’s lots of talking, laughing, and eating. But my favorite time of the meal is when we all bow our heads, clasp our hands, and pray together.

Claire (our 5-year-old granddaughter) has been the one to pray before we eat for a couple of years, but now Caroline (our 2-year-old granddaughter) has decided she wants to say the prayer, too. So Claire prays first, and then Caroline.

Claire ends her prayer with the sweetest sentence: We know your name, Jesus, Amen. I’m not sure where she heard that, but I love it. Caroline now imitates Claire, and she prays and then ends with, We know your name, Jesus, Amen.

It’s amazing how children imitate those they’re closest to. This reminds me of Ephesians 5:1-2, which says, Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.

Paul gives us a clear call to action.

Be imitators of God. We need to imitate God so that those around us (family, friends, people we meet) will see Jesus. Of course, that doesn’t mean we’ll ever be perfect, but we need to follow so closely that we reflect His character.

I think there’s an urgency.

Our world is changing fast, and we are inundated with evil. Matthew 24:12 talks about the last days and says, Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. I’m certainly seeing this more and more.

But we can’t give up; we can’t lose hope. Our kids and grandchildren need to see Jesus, and it’s up to us to share our faith and imitate God.

Lord, help us to imitate you. The enemy wants to keep us from studying your word and gathering with other believers. He wants us to fill our lives with everything but YOU. The enemy is a liar. We know you are all we need; let us cling to You. We know your name, Jesus, Amen!

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by my blog. I’m also on FacebookPinterest, and Instagram.

Let your beauty shine from the inside out today!

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  1. I love every part of this. Our 9 year old godson has been praying for our meals when he’s here for years. Prays with phrases we know here hears his grandpa say and also adds the innocent of children like thanking God for helping him win a game of pool against his godpapa/ my hubby or thanking God for my wonderful cooking (which is really only average at best ha). Oh from the mouths if children

  2. Cyndi, Thank you for sharing this precious picture of Claire and Caroline praying. God bless you and your family.🙏❤️🙏

  3. I love the we know your name! I bet she heard someone say “in your name we pray “ ! That just sounds like something that might be misunderstood by a 5 year old ! Our youngest granddaughter is almost 5 and she always wants to imitate her big brother who is 8! This is a precious time… enjoy it while you can.. our oldest grandson is 16 and it just seems like yesterday he was little!

  4. I love our Sunday meal together after church as a family! What a blessing our two granddaughters are they are just 2 and 5 months! We can be such role models and influences on our little ones lives! Thank you for sharing 💕

  5. I love your blog. May favorite part is the scripture and beauty for the heart. I look forward to reading them. I am also a Christian and love studying the Bible but sometimes your words have come at just the right time 🙂

  6. Thank you so much. Wonderful words of wisdom. It does bless your heart when we see our sweet grandchildren praying. It’s like my Mom use to say what u reap is what u sow. Planting that seed and watching it grow. Thank u again so much. We will-be praying you through. My husband has done a lot of mission trips in Africa snd other places. We have some friends that r missionaries. Prayers are top are so important.

  7. Thank you for sharing about your family time around the table. Children do imitate adults, however adults sure can learn a lot from the mouth of babes! I’m so excited for your trip to the Holy Lands!

  8. Your sweet photo motivates me to pick back up our mealtime family prayers. My children are In their twenties and usually in a rush. I want to imitate you and your important message.
    Thank you

  9. Your message today spoke to my heart the world is so full of evil but we have God to carry us thur.Love the girls praying so special Thanks for your devotion.

  10. Cyndi,
    Thank you for your encouraging words and speaking of the truth of our Heavenly Father. You’re an encouragement to all women and enjoy reading about your sweet family.
    Deb P

  11. I love this! I’m actually crying as I see your sweet granddaughters and read your post. God is so good! I love that our sweet children and grandchildren are the next generation to love Jesus! 😊❤️ What a great imitator of Christ you and Wayne are to your family! Blessings to you and your beautiful family! 😊❤️

  12. I love “in Jesus name I know”. How sweet is that!! It was such a blessing to me this morning. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I love that Cyndi!! Praying in the family.” Teach the children in the way the should go and they will not depart from it” Your grandchildren are a prime example of this 🥰♥️
    Have a Blessed Sunday

  14. Cyndi, this is precious! I love the picture of your grandchildren praying and what a wonderful example you and your family are to those young ones. Your devo was right on… I pray we Christians will let our light shine brightly… especially in this hour when our world seems to be getting darker and darker. The harvest is ripe and we are His laborers. May we ALL be laborers Because we know your name…Jesus.
    I’m praying for your trip to Israel and Egypt… we did a tour in 2020… AMAZING!
    Love and blessings!