Finding Hope In Difficult Seasons

Last Sunday at church, our pastor preached on HOPE. I left feeling so encouraged and I’m sharing some of what he said below. If you’re feeling hopeless today I pray you will read on and know there’s hope in difficult seasons.

I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered when I receive news about you. Philippines 2:19

The apostle Paul was writing this letter to the church in Philippi from prison. Paul had done nothing to deserve imprisonment except public proclamation of the gospel.

He could not be with the church in person, but he longed for news of their well-being. He also wanted to send them his trusted friend and co-worker, Timothy, to encourage and help them in their ministry.

The first six words in Philippians 2:19 are what we’re focusing on today…I hope in the Lord Jesus. Paul had hope, even in prison.

Not all our prisons are made out of brick & mortar, iron, and razor wire. 

Some of us are in different prisons:

  • Some prisons are made from difficult seasons in marriage.
  • Some prisons are made from cancer cells.
  • Some prisons are from debilitating debt where there’s more debt than money.
  • Some prisons are from unending sorrow from the loss of someone we love.
  • Some prisons are from bullies who do their best to try and destroy us on social media.
  • Some are from addiction or decisions that our adult children are making that we feel helpless to step in and help.

We all face seasons where we feel trapped or incarcerated by unpleasant circumstances, and there seems to be no parole.

The question we ask is: Is there hope for this season of my life?

Sometimes, the prison we’re in keeps us from hearing God’s voice, so here are 5 promises you need to know:

  • God will never leave you.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

  • He knows your future. 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

  • The Lord fight for you.

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14

  • God will give you peace.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

  • He loves you, and nothing you do will make him love you any less.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16;34

God wants you to know that whatever prison you find yourself in today, there is hope.

The same God who created the heaven and the earth is the same God who wants to give you hope today!

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by my blog. I’m also on FacebookPinterest, and Instagram.

Let your beauty shine from the inside out today!

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  1. Thank you so much for this post, Cyndi. It ministered to me today and helped me to grieve the loss of our lovely family dog two days ago. Those of us who are pet lovers know the heartache of losing one of them. The pain is unbearable sometimes, but God is with us in this pain and other painful seasons of our lives.

  2. Cyndi: We were scheduled to travel to Israel with a tour group in 2020, but it was canceled due to COVID. We were greatly disappointed but had the privilege and opportunity to go in 2022. It was worth the wait. I had to remind myself that God’s timing is perfect. If it is His will, He will make a way but His timing may differ from our timing.

  3. Cyndi, our first planned trip to Israel was cancelled because the conditions became unsafe. We were disappointed, but we were able to go at the later date and have been there 2 more times. We are hosting our 3rd trip in December of 2024. I’m so sorry this is happening now because I know how excited you were to go. But trust that the tour co Pa it’s will not. Go if it is u safe. And when they do reschedule your trip, you can trust that it is safe for you to go. We join you in praying for the peace of Jerusalem!

  4. This is such an amazing blog post today Cyndi. Your faith shines bright, and encourages others in their seasons. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  5. Thanks Cyndy! Happy Sabbath – we all need Faith, Hope, & Love & there is only One source that never fails! Praying for peace around the globe including the Middle East 🙂

  6. Thank you for sharing this message today, I needed to hear it, as I’m sure so many do. May we all find hope in God’s word.

  7. I immediately thought of you and your upcoming trip to Israel when I heard the news yesterday. There is so much sadness, chaos and confusion in the world today and we know it is from the devil. He is the author of confusion and deception. Praying for wisdom and discernment as your trip plans are decided and for the people of Israel.

  8. My husband and I were supposed to leave for Israel with a tour with my church this coming Tuesday. It has been cancelled. I, too, am very sad. God bless you with discernment about going. I will say, our Pastor said this fighting will get worse. He has many friends in Israel and has been traveling there for over 20 years. God bless.

    1. My pastor (from VA) was taking a large group this week as well, and they canceled. Everyone is disappointed of course, but focusing now on praying for Israel.

  9. Feeling discouraged in the world we live in today. So much turmoil, so much deep rooted hate. Your devotional today helps.

  10. Thank you for this devotional. It is so true about the different prisons we all face. Let’s hold on to the Lord to release us from the prison’s within.

  11. You and a friend in my BSF small group who’s scheduled to leave for Israel in two weeks were my first thoughts when I heard the news of the attack on Israel. Of course I’m praying for Israel, but I’m also praying for you all as I know many decisions will have to be made by many people in a short timeframe.

  12. I’ve been praying for you with your planned trip. We are to travel to Israel, Jordan, and Egypt in May. There is so much deep-seated hostility and injustice on every side; a real need for peaceful coexistence for all people in this holy region of our world. Blessings, Cyndi.

  13. I thought of you and your planned trip to Israel when the news came out about the troubles in that country. Praying for the people of Israel and for the enemies who want to harm them. May God’s will be done.

  14. We have friends who are in Jerusalem now on their 4th day of a one week trip. The airport is closed and the hotel guests are in the basement shelter of the hotel. The roads are not safe to travel so they just have to stay there until the airport opens again. Praying for the safety of all the tourists and that they will be able to fly out soon.

  15. Thank you for the reminder of the hope in our Lord Jesus. The season of life I’m in right now it’s hard to remember these things. I appreciate you and your love of the Lord. My God guide you as what to do for your trip.

  16. Prayers going up for Israel, I just heard an interview of a mom whose children were taken. Our hearts are heavy with this horrific attack. Praying for direction on your upcoming trip.

  17. You were the first person I thought of when I heard about Israel. Praying that the Lord leads you to make the right decision.

  18. Thank you for this devotion..we are studying Paul
    In our weekly study.
    One quest challenged me
    What do we live for?? Paul’s driving passion was
    Praying for you and your continued ministry!

  19. Thank you for sharing this devotional today! I thought of you immediately when the news broke of Israel and your upcoming trip!
    One of our Canadian Air lines has already stopped all flights for now into Israel! I know this can cause anxieties as to what the future holds so praying that God will give all the discernment and wisdom needed to make the right decisions!
    Prayers for Israel and their people may God protect them!❤️

    1. I was at a woman’s event at church yesterday and didn’t hear the news until I got home and my husband told me. So sad. I thought of you and told my husband that I wondered about your trip. I guess my advice is only God knows what you should do. The tourist guy, or airlines etc can tell you safe or not to travel, but keep your heart in prayer and let the Holy Spirit tell you both. Be safe. Blessings for your Sunday. Heading to church soon.

  20. Amen!! And beautiful song, thanks for sharing this!

    With the metaphor of the prison, I thought I’d give a quick update on my son…
    He is in the eighth year now of being incarcerated. He is fully surrendered to the Lord and is leading Bible studies, putting together new groups of discipleship, even preaching and helping to train others to share the gospel throughout his unit!!!!
    God is SO GOOD and we are so very thankful for what HE has done in Jeremy! He has learned to embrace his circumstances and use his talents to spread the Love of Christ and the gospel of Hope to those around him! I’ve truly witnessed the transforming power of Jesus, Hallelujah!!

    Be blessed!

    1. Praying constantly for Israel!! I pray for wisdom about your trip there… and that the fighting will cease so you all can go!

    2. Joni,

      What a wonderful testimony out of what God can do. I will pray for your sons protection and your heart as a Momma.

    3. Joni you have an amazing testimony. I remember when you were first going through this and how devastated you felt. It’s amazing to see how God has used this and I’m so thankful for your son’s witness.
      God is good!

  21. Thank you so much Cyndi. I appreciate your posts and blogs.
    God is so good and we can never fail if we stay in the word “it is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”.

    Blessings to you and your family.

  22. I thought of you immediately when I saw the news about Israel. Praying for God’s perfect direction for your upcoming plans and that you will be at peace with whatever the choice. I’m currently in a Bible study and we are studying Philippians so the passages in your blog are very familiar and comforting. Keep them close in your thoughts and mind. Many prayers for you and your travel team.

  23. Thanks so much for this, Cyndi, I’m sharing it with my 93-year-old Mom who often struggles with hopelessness. We are supposed to leave on Tuesday for Israel. The trip hasn’t been officially canceled yet, but, like you, we have been glued to the tv.

  24. I’m joining you & many others in praying for Israel. Thank you for posting this song. Israel has indeed witnessed the hand of the Lord & will again!

  25. I thought of you & your upcoming trip when I heard this sad news yesterday. We travel often & have been many places but not Israel. It would be an incredible place to visit. If not now, hopefully one day for you. Be safe. Beautiful post today.

  26. Frani took the words right out of my mouth. Such an inspirational post. I read that they are shutting down flights. I know you’ve been looking forward to this trip. I pray you may be able to go and safely. A dear friend of mine has family hiding in bunkers in Israel. We all need to pray for our world. 🙏 Thanks for bringing your message. 🥰🙏

  27. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post! As soon as I heard the news yesterday, I thought of you and your planned trip. Prayers for peace and your safe travels should the trip take place as planned. 🙏💕🙏