When We Don’t Have the Words to Pray

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with all that’s happening around the world and wanted to pray but didn’t know what to pray? I have felt that way this week. Every day, there seems to be so much hurt and pain.

But the good news is even when we don’t have the words to say, Romans 8:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with “groanings too deep for words.”

This means that even when we can’t articulate our prayers, the Holy Spirit is communicating our deepest needs to God on our behalf.

So, what should we do when we don’t have the words to pray? Here are a few tips:

  • Simply tell God that you don’t know what to say. It’s okay to be honest with God about your struggles. He already knows, anyway.
  • Pray Scripture. Sometimes, the best way to pray is to simply read Scripture back to God. This can be a great way to express our hearts to God, even when we don’t have our own words.

I’m thankful we can always come to God with our deepest needs and concerns.

Many times, I pray Come Jesus, Come…..


Do you ever feel overwhelmed with what’s going on in our world? Or maybe there’s turmoil in your family; perhaps you’re dealing with brokenness. Whatever you are dealing with, take it to Jesus. He is always listening.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by my blog. I’m also on FacebookPinterest, and Instagram.

Let your beauty shine from the inside out today!

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  1. Thank you Cyndi. I really needed this. There are times I’m at a loss for words for prayers that are so needed.
    Thank you for your words of encouragement.

  2. Thank you Cyndi for this post. It has been a time when no words can say what you feel with all that’s happening right now but the song was a great comfort to me. I’m blessed that our children, their spouses and our grandchildren are all believers and I know we will all be reunited in Heaven one day. God Bless you and Wayne and your sweet family!

  3. Thank you so much for this devotion today…..so relevant in today’s world. Sometimes we just don’t know how to pray. So thankful for the Holy Spirit interceding for us. One of my favorite scriptures is Habakkuk 3:17-18. We can always rejoice in the Lord whatever is going on in our world.

  4. Thankful for your devotion to God and family. When we aren’t sure of how to pray I am thankful for our God who is mighty and knows us so well. I like to just rest in His arms. They are big enough for us all. Ps 46:10

  5. What a beautiful song, & so true, We wait patiently for the day God comes back to gather us up to see our eternal home.

  6. Love this Cyndi! It’s true we can get lost in all that’s going on in this world and be wrapped in the moment of things, but I know I can always go to God even if I don’t have words to say. He knows are hearts and what troubles us. I’m so thankful I can live this life with Him!!

  7. Often I find it is helpful, when I am stressed, to pray this as a “breath” prayer.

    While inhaling: Lord Jesus Christ, son of God
    Exhaling: have mercy on me, a sinner.

    Sometimes I pray that over and over, and it helps me to center on Christ and puts all into perspective.

  8. I was so overwhelmed earlier this week with the heaviness of my prayers I didn’t know where to start. I finally gave it all to God. I knew He knew what was in my heart. Then, childhood and teen church songs started popping into my head. So I sang to God all the rest of the way home. I don’t sing well 🤣, but God loved it and I felt uplifted.

  9. Amen! What a great blessing that we have a Heavenly Father who is always there openly and ready to hear our prayers. All we need to do is talk to him! 🙏

  10. As always, Cyndi, thank you so much for this Sunday post. This is exactly how I’ve been feeling lately with all the tragic news and please know your advice is greatly appreciated by me. Just what I needed. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  11. The pain I’ve had for months now with an adult child is almost unbearable. We basically have no relationship, but were so tight when she was growing up. I go through waves of emotion and one minute I’m furious and the next minute I’m on my knees. I know the Lord knows my pain.