5 Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas

Now that Thanksgiving is over, we’re preparing for Christmas. There’s shopping, decorating, wrapping gifts, baking, etc. But if you’re like me, you want to keep Christ in Christmas.

I don’t want to miss celebrating the greatest gift ever given…Jesus. How do we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus?

Here are 5 Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas:

1. Read the Christmas story: Read the biblical accounts of Jesus’ birth from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Think about the significance of this miraculous event and how it transformed the world.

2. Display a Nativity scene: Set up a Nativity scene in your home to serve as a visual reminder of the birth of Christ.

3. Listen to Christ-centered music: I love Christmas music, and I love listening to all the fun Christmas songs, but I also want to fill my home with Christmas carols that focus on the birth and message of Jesus.

4. Attend Church: What better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Christ died for the church, and gathering together is important throughout the year, but I especially love attending church this time of year as we worship and celebrate the birth of Christ.

5. Focus on Giving: Remember that Christmas is not about material gifts but about the gift of salvation that Jesus brought into the world. It really is better to give than receive. We love to do random acts of kindness during the Christmas season, and through these random acts, we share Jesus.

Now is the time to prepare your heart for the Christmas season! Let’s spread His love!

What are you doing to keep Christ in Christmas?

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by my blog. I’m also on FacebookPinterest, and Instagram.

Let your beauty shine from the inside out today!

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  1. Yes, we do all those and I like to get all my shopping and wrapping done early (I’m done) so I can focus on Jesus. Next week I plan to make out my menu and grocery list so I can shop the non perishables ahead. All my kids and their families are coming for the weekend of the 16 th this year. So I have to be ready earlier. Have a good nap.

  2. Hi Cyndi! I love your suggestions in today’s post. I have been looking for a nativity for my home for awhile and would love to know if you have an idea where to find a beautiful one that you like. Blessings!